PinnedPublished inBaseworksSelf-Regulation Wake-Up CallHow I learned to cultivate moderation and adaptation. And how that greatly influenced the development of my life work.Aug 3, 2022Aug 3, 2022
Published inBaseworksReflections: On Ethics, Leadership and CommitmentThis is the companion REFLECTIONS Transmission for the Ethics, Leadership & Commitment conversation we had with Matan Levkowich. It would…Dec 18, 2021Dec 18, 2021
Published inBaseworksON ETHICS, LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENTThe Baseworks Method, at its core is a movement conditioning approach. It’s also been developed with the intended purpose of promoting the…Dec 15, 2021Dec 15, 2021
How after 30 years of yoga practice I still can not see any way to label it.The Goal of Yoga: An AnalysisSep 14, 2020Sep 14, 2020
Published inBaseworksWhy you may want to commitNavigating through the choices in life and taking the time to see things through.Jan 2, 2020Jan 2, 2020